All about herbal penis enkargement
You've probably received spam emails in your inbox begging you to sample so and so's male enhancement pills, or seen the humorous commercials on television that appear to be at least somewhat reputable, but have you ever noticed that those emails and TV advertisements don't actually tell you how these products work, or if they even work at all? It's time to get past the glamour of popular boasting and figure out exactly what male enhancement is.
Male enhancement is a polite way of saying penis enlargement. Can it really be true? Can modern science really deliver the goods? Well, unfortunately, like the old saying goes, when something sounds too good to be true, it often is. Penis enlargement is possible, but it's not easy and it's not safe, and the results aren't much to brag about.
First let's discuss the options that don't work. According to Dr. Ira Sharlip of the American Urological Association, penis enlargement pills are totally bogus, and research has discovered that many of these pills are actually bad for you, as they contain pesticides, lead, and mold. If there's ever a pill that genuinely enlarges the penis, rest assured you'll read about it in Time Magazine and every national newspaper - in the meantime, you can safely disregard those annoying emails.
You've probably heard of the penis pump, and maybe you've even considered purchasing one. Penis pumps pull blood into the penis, and if they are used carefully can be somewhat useful to temporarily cure impotence, but there is no evidence of significant permanent enlargement, and if you get too carried away with the pump you can hurt yourself. Any attempts at homemade penis stretching with your hands or a heavy object could very well end in disaster, and also it doesn't work.
The only way to make your penis longer is to undergo serious surgery. Since some of the penis resides inside the body, an operation can be performed which pulls some of the inner penis out and permanently enlarges the penis by about three centimeters. That's right, I said centimeters, not inches. That's not a lot of enlargement for such a serious surgery. Unless the patient is impotent to begin with, doctors strongly discourage this surgery, as it can cause impotence.
There's always phalloplasty, which means penis reconstructive surgery. The doctors would take skin from other areas of your body, construct a new penis for you (often times about seven inches in length), and then place a pump inside you to aid in the achievement of an erection. This operation is usually reserved for transsexuals and men who lose their penis in an accident, and is not something you casually do for cosmetic purposes.
You can try trimming your pubic hair - although this won't enlarge your penis, it will at least make it look bigger. Also, keep in mind that the average erect penis size is only five and a half inches, so chance are you're doing just fine.
All about herbal penis enkargement
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