Have you checked your email spam lately, or flipped channels of late night TV? You have probably seen a large number of advertisements promoting male enhancement programs. There are many miraculous claims made, all the way from instant results to doubling your length and girth in 3 days. I do not know whether to be amused or horrified. The simple fact is that many of these products not only do not work, they are downright dangerous. If you really want to know how to increase the size of your penis safely, you need to think about the following points.
1. Regardless of whether you are building your muscles or your penis, the phrase "no pain no gain" much beloved by physical trainers is sheer nonsense. Medical physiologists have long determined that pain is a signal your body sends to you to tell you that it has been damaged. The way to build muscle is to overload it beyond its normal range, but to stop before any damage is done. Programs which ask you to attach weights to your penis or encase your penis in a sling will only hurt you. Instead of growing bigger, you may well find yourself growing smaller. Don't take the risk of turning into a eunuch.
2. Avoid miracle pills. If you are impotent, your doctor might prescribe medication for you. But that is a different matter. Miracle pills fall into one of these categories:
3. Make sure you find out what are the average size of male erections before you take the leap. You shouldn't take what you see in porno movies or magazines as the basis for your decision. After all, those actors and models are selected because they are bigger than average. Once you know what the average size of male erections is, you may no longer feel it necessary to seek male enhancement. After all, for all you know, you may already be above average!
4. If you still want to go ahead, ask yourself this question: "How big should my penis be?" Make sure you set a reasonable goal. 10% larger is modestly achievable, while doubling your size is hopelessly optimistic.
5. The safest and most effective option usually involves exercises for harder erections. There are simple exercises which will help you to get a hard erection and keep it longer. A complete set of exercises should also make your penis a little thicker and longer, whether erect or at rest.
A real male enhancement program will not produce overnight results. Nevertheless, you should expect to see some improvement within a month. If your truly want to learn how to increase the size of your penis, you will need to spend enough time online looking for a program which suits you. Both you and your partner deserve the best, so don't scrimp on the effort.
How can i grow my penis fast
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