If you insecure about the size of your penis and it is affecting your performance, it is helpful to know what the true average penis size is, that way you can compare it to your size and determine what measures, if any, you need to take to make your penis bigger. Using specific yet very simple techniques, I was able to increase my penis size from under six inches long and five inches around to over eight inches long and six inches around.
So what is the real average penis size?
According to most reputable studies (the ones where researchers measure mens' penises instead of relying on self-measurement and the men are young, healthy, and virile), the average size measures in right around 6.5 inches long and 5 inches around. Luckily, that is well short of the 8 or 9 inches that adult movies will lead you to believe is average. However, if you don't like how you stack up to average, there are ways you can make your penis bigger.
Can I really make my penis bigger without pills, pumps, or surgery?
Absolutely. In fact, the best and most effective ways for making your penis bigger don't require anything but your hands. Manual milking, traction, and torque exercises will optimize both the length and girth of your penis by elongating the suspensory ligaments, expanding the tunica chamber that determines erection size, and by increasing the capacity of blood vessels in your penis.
Study up only on NATURAL penis enlargement methods, using unbiased sources, and formulate a plan of action that suits your own needs. The sooner you put it to use, the sooner you will see BIG results. In just a few weeks, you can be sporting a penis that is noticeably bigger and more satisfying to women!
How to grow your penis big
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