If your penis size is not all you want it to be, here is a little bit of good news. You can quickly and safely add several inches of permanent size without using any gadgets, gimmicks or taking any pills. In fact, the top way to get a bigger penis only requires the use of your hands to add up to 3 or 4 inches of length, and an extra inch or two of girth. What is this great way to achieving these terrific gains? A good routine of all natural penile exercises!
Several scientific tests have been performed that prove time after time that exercise is the best way to increase penis size. In a British medical study, over 95% of the men tested gained from 1 to 4 inches of permanent size within a six month time frame. Gains in circumference of over an inch were also recorded. No other method, including the heavily advertised male enhancement pills, can make such medically proven claims. So, how does exercise actually work?
You must first understand the construction of your penis. It contains three main chambers, two large ones known as the corpora cavernosa, and a smaller one known as the corpora spongiosum. The tow large chambers are the ones that determine size. They are the chambers that fill with blood when you get an erection. When they are filled to capacity, your penis will be at maximum size. If these two chambers could hold more blood, you would have a bigger penis. This is where exercise comes in.
Exercise will gently tear down the cells and soft tissues of the corpora cavernosa. Just like any other part of your body, they will heal themselves. As they heal, they will grow back larger and stronger than ever before, holding a greater capacity of blood, and giving you bigger and stronger erections. Even in a flaccid state, your penis will hang longer and thicker than before you started your exercise routine.
So, if exercise is the top way to get a bigger penis, where do you find a good routine? There are several offered online, some with 100% money back guarantees. Pick one out and get started. You have nothing to lose, and several inches to gain!
Penis enlargement naturally
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