Sunday, June 30, 2013

Can i enlarge my penis. How Pill Makers and Penis Exercise Gurus Trick You & What Really Works

Can i enlarge my penis

Can i enlarge my penis

Penis pill makers and penis exercise gurus have a dirty little secret. They realize that most men who try their products won't see any gains at all. They know this because they aren't interested in making the best products. They make any product they can and sell it to you. The result is that you get a big hit to your bank balance, but no enlargement. The problem is that we, the little guys, lose out. However, I discovered the truth and in this article I'm going to share it with you...

Penis pills are so bad because of the way they make you think you've seen gains. They contain within them a substance which dilates the blood vessels. The result of this is that the penis appears a little bigger. When people stop taking the pills the blood vessels return to their normal state. People who notice this then measure their penis and believe that pills caused growth. They then buy more pills.

Penis exercises fail because it is impossible to stretch the penis to make it bigger without doing serious long-term damage. However, some people do see gains with penis exercises. The reason for this is because exercises can help to cause growth! How, you may ask? Exercises don't cause gains. The only thing that can cause gains is your body - more specifically your blood. When your blood is ready to cause growth then it will.

Your penis grew originally because there were biochemicals in the blood. These biochemicals caused growth. When you get the biochemicals back in the body (they left during puberty) then natural growth will resume. The exercises keep the blood in the penis for longer - the result? Accelerated growth.

I used this method to cause gains of nearly 4 inches.

Can i enlarge my penis

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